
Exercise and a Blogging Break

Since we have 2 overnight trips planned for next week and I am trying to spend a little less time on my computer and phone with the kiddos at home, I decided I will be taking a break till the first of the year when I will return with the Sunday Showcase Link Up. I have many fun fashion posts planned for January and a couple travel posts. You might see more fashion posts for a bit as I do not have any travel content right now.

I wanted to share the one thing I have been fairly consistent with this year as far as moving my body. No, it is not weight training (I do want to incorporate working out with my little weights at home several times a week) but it is walking and running. Why has it worked for me?

The answer is twofold: outdoors and people! I am a social person when it comes to exercising: I enjoy walking and running the most when I do with a friend or two. Thankfully, my friend and neighbor is usually able to walk with me two to three times a week and we try to walk at least a couple of miles. I aim for two runs a week right now, my Saturday early runs with a group of friends and our running group runs one night a week.

I was running more for a while but I struggle with issues with my shins so I have slowed down some. The 2nd factor in me having kept up my running and walking and is what you see in the pictures above. I love being outdoors to exercise! I love seeing the sunrise, breathing in fresh air and looking at the scenery. I have learned what to wear to brave the cold. Can’t do too much in the heat except be outdoors really early or later in the evening.

Having the right gear also helps. I have a Garmin watch that keeps track of my running and walking which is very satisfying! It doesn’t count if it isn’t recorded! I can walk safely at night and run early mornings with my Noxgear Vest so cars can see me (affiliate link).

Yes, I have lots of room to improve. As I near the age of 50, I really do need to incorporate that weight training as well as focus on drinking more water. I really struggle with both. I could also cut more sugar out of my diet but yes, I am pretty proud of having been consistent with moving regularly and enjoying it in the process.

A bientĂ´t!

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