budget,  fashion

Pink is for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. When my friend Ada reached out to me about collaborating one day and showcasing pink, I jumped at the opportunity. We are both wearing pink accessories: she is sharing her pink slip on sneakers while I am sharing a pink purse.

I am one of the worst people to take care of myself as far as check ups go and I really rarely go to the doctor. I did do a yearly check up for my insurance a few times in the past 10 years (because I got rewarded with a gift card for going) and do go for my regular gyno and dentists appointments but at 45, I really need to schedule a mammogram. This one hits close to home as one of my friends dealt with breast cancer a couple yeas ago and had a double masectomy. Calling my insurance to find out a local place to go to in on my to do list this month!

Since most of the pink in my closet is blush colored, I thought it would be fun to feature my bright pink purse. A friend of mine gave this Michael Kors purse to me around Christmas a couple years ago: it was a gift from her boss but she does not like pink so I got to be the recipient of that generosity. I actually did not like the MK attached to it at the time (it looked ostentatious) so I removed it. I enjoy wearing this purse the most in the winter for a nice pop of color. It is fun color!

My son and I had fun with these pictures: we were able to take them in the middle of the day, in the subdivision: I am trying very hard to get some different backgrounds for our photos.

I thought the burgundy played off well with the pink purse and chose to bookend the outfit with grey shoes and a grey hat.I am really loving the fall hat trend and while I might be the only person in my town wearing a hat out and about on my errands, I do not care. It is perfect for a bad hair day and I feel it just makes a fall outfit even cuter.

So why is it that I don’t like making appointment to go to the doctor? I guess part of the attitude is why fix something that is not broken but in the case of breast cancer, I could be a candidate for it and not know it. Another reason is that I spend many days taking boys to appointments to dermatologists, orthodontist… and scheduling an extra appointment with a toddler in tow is not appealing. So my excuses are not good and I need to get to it!

Maybe I will wear this outfit when I go! Please visit Ada’s blog and post to see more pictures of her pink accessory: her slip on sneakers have the cutest embellishments! I really love this window pane print dress she is wearing: so cute! And everything is better with a denim jacket, isn’t it? Those sneakers are fun and very versatile. I love how a shoe can change the look of an outfit and create some casualness.

Apart from the hat which is a recent purchase, everything in this outfit was shopped from my closet and is 2 to more years old. I love it when I still love a piece year after year: I actually have worn the tunic more in the past couple of years than the first couple of years when I bought it.

Please join us for a link up with your latest pink or not pink outfits!

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A bientΓ΄t!

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  • Terri Gardner

    Of course, I love your hat and love how you pulled the whole outfit together. How lucky to get a Michael Kors bag from your friend. I love that shape and color-a good strong pink is always fun.

    Like Michelle I hope you get your mammogram. I am another yearly, without fail, one who gets them. The older you get, the more you need them, is what my doctor told me.


  • Penny

    You look great in your outfit. And promise me you’ll get your mammogram. In the Uk our wonderful NHS organises a 3-yearly mammogram for every woman in the country. It only stops when you reach 70 but when that happened to me I was given the chance to have another one 3 years later and I took that offer. You care for your boys so you must care for yourself too πŸ™‚

  • Gail

    Big fan of pink as you know, and drooling over the pink tote. I have a breast screening scheduled soon, as Penny says, our wonderful health service invite you for this and it’s free. Thanks for linking at #WowOnWednesday Mireille – see you at the skirt challenge!

    • mimifce

      Well, I finally made calls to my insurance and then made an appointment with a local doctor so I can get a referral!

  • Marielle

    This is a really cute look. I love that you’re spreading awareness with the pink! And that you’re being honest about the challenge of getting your check up. Good luck with making that happen! I’m visiting today from the On the Edge link up. Have a great weekend Mireille!

  • Mica

    Your bright pink bag is so fun and it’s a cute combo with the floral dress! How nice of your friend to pass it onto you! πŸ™‚

    Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend πŸ™‚ We got through the storms safely yesterday which was a blessing!

  • Shelbee on the Edge

    Mireille, you know I love your dress since I have the same one! It looks great with leggings and your gray booties. And what a beautiful pink bag! I am like you and would have removed the ostentatious MK tag, too! And I hear you about appointments for yourself. When you have to run the kids all over to a million appointments, the last thing you want to do is add extra ones for yourself. I am skipping my mammogram this year because the stress of going right now is too much for me, but I had a clear scan last year and they usually suggest skipping a year to mitigate the radiation from the x-ray. So I am comfortable waiting. But I feel like if we make preventative medicine more of a priority, we can certainly lessen the number of sick appointments as well. Go get that mammo scheduled, my friend! Thanks for linking with me.
