
Finding inspiration for outfits

While I still shop at thrift stores and stores like Target, Old Navy and Nordstrom, I am trying to curb my shopping in order to save for our upcoming trip to Europe. When I go on one of these clothes shopping freeze, I try to shop my closet and come up with new combinations of clothes. Here are several steps I use to control my desire to shop and to enjoy my clothes anew:

Purge and reorganize my closet

When my closet is organized and filled with only clothes that fit me and that I actually like/love, I find it easier to create new combinations. It is easier to find clothes when your closet is not bursting at the seams. I am very grateful for having quite a large closet that I do not have to share with anyone. I am able to keep most clothes out throughout the year and still have space. I typically discard/donate items several times a year (when I buy new clothes, at the start of each season, at the beginning of the year).


I pin others outfit ideas as well as my own. I regularly take pictures of the outfit combinations I have created and pin them so that I can go back and repeat them.

Blogger inspiration

Here are a few of the bloggers that I follow that inspire me either with their style or with their outlook on life:

Well, there are a few more but maybe I will share more another day!

Here is an outfit inspired by Jolynne Shane

Change up accessories

Choosing a different scarf, pair of earrings or shoe to make a new outfit out of an old favorite.

Hope this post has inspired you to shop your closet!

A  bientôt!




  • Shelbee on the Edge

    Mireille, thanks so much for the shout out! I am so glad that I can inspire you. I love all your scarf looks. Totally my jam! And now you have inspired me to maybe, possibly, hopefully, get inside my disaster of a closet and get organizing it! I can’t find anything in there anymore without injury! Haha.


    • mimifce

      You are welcome! If I didnt live down South, I’d come and help you organize, lol! I have thought a few times I should start a lil business doing that, maybe when the littlest goes to school. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment. I am loving this blog community!


    Hi Mireille, thank you for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog.
    From looking at these pictures I have to say I am in awe, you’re quite organized in my book. Everything seems in place and with space for easily finding items.
    Like you, I’ve found that one of the best things for inspiration is doing shopping bans and fellow bloggers. For me its been eye opening.

    • mimifce

      Thanks for stopping by! I have found that with my past experience as a teacher and now as a stay at home mom, that being organized saves my sanity! And I like to do periodic purges of what we do not use. Things tend to accumulate quickly around here!