budget,  fashion

White denim jacket for winter

You always hear bloggers share that we should wear our white denim in winter. I love wearing wearing my white jeans in winter with either neutrals or my winter sweaters. But what about your white denim jacket? Should it only come out in Spring and Summer?

Last Sunday, as I looked through my closet choosing my church outfit, I came accross this dress. I hadn’t worn it in a couple of years but was not about to donate it because I think the cut is flattering and the colors and patterns are versatile and interesting. But what to wear as a topper? Even in Georgia, winter gets cold sometimes!

Even though the length is church appropriate I like to wear leggings under by just above the knee skirt or dresses at church so as not to attract attention and leggings keep me warm! After trying 2 other jackets with it, I settled on my white denim jacket!

The white jacket adds a crispness and lightness to a dark palette outfit. It added enough warmth for the morning that I was wearing this dress but would not have worked if I was spending any length of time outside since it was 32 degrees.

I added a pair of Nickel and Suede earrings (no surprise there) to pull out the color from the dress. I do wear other earrings but they are my favorites with their lightness.

Having decluttered my jewelry as well as my closet, I am wearing some of my bracelets more. I thought this bracelet would be  fun with the dress and maybe would entertain my 2 year old during the church service but he was not interested. My boys tried me that day and I ended up pulling them all out of church for a 5 minute pow wow. I expect them to behave a certain way and they needed some reminders. Hopefully, I will spend less time disciplining and more time praying next week!

So yes to white denim jackets in the winter!

A bientôt!

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