
Weekend routines

I strive on routines. I love the school year because I know when the children need to get up, go to school, when I can work on my blog and visit friends. I also do like summers and school breaks and for the long breaks I usually create some routines such as when snacks and meals are, some outings and when we go to the pool for example. That still allows for some freedom and some impulsivity too. Now surprisingly, Saturday can be my least favorite day of the week! Why is that? Here is what I came up with:

  • lack of schedule
  • lack of plans

To battle my dislikes of Saturdays, I am going to try to implement a few things this year so that I am not cranky.

Accept certains things:

For example, my husband usually likes to take a nap if we do not have any plans and my teen probably won’t wake up till 11. Also not every week needs to have an outing.

Plan at least one thing

  • Lately my husband and I have taken a little time away from the kids (thanks to having a teen and a mother in law in the house) to either take a walk by ourselves or go to lunch.
  • Plan an activity every other week: we can go hiking or biking, we can take the children to the local fun spot which has rock climbing, mini golf, or we can get together with the sis in law and kids!

Me time:

If we have no plans, the weather is uncooperative, everyone is tired, then I should plan something for me to do. It can be as simple as going to the gym, working on the blog, research some vacation plans or going for a little trip to Target (hopefully just to look, lol!)

We do have some things that we do every Saturday which is having a full breakfast as a family(minus the oldes)t and we go to church in the evening. Maybe I can start planning some more variety in our breakfasts and plan a fun stop on the way to church! Next Saturday, I plan to go glasses shopping for my oldest and making some crepes for breakfast. We do not have any plans made but I would like to create a spot in our garage for shelving for bike helmets and nerf guns. If it is nice, hopefully we will go outdoors.

What it boils down to is to find what makes you tick, what triggers discontentment and then work to alleviate those triggers. Have a positive attitude! I am sure I will be missing the Saturdays with no plans when soccer is back in session!

A bientĂ´t!

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