
My Favorite Ways to Exercise Right Now

For the past month and a half I have been trying to exercise most days of the week in some manner or form. While it has been more of a struggle the past 10 days as I have been dealing with stress and lack of desire to eat, I am glad to say I am still on the exercise wagon train (and now my regular appetite is back). I usually give up about a couple of weeks so today I wanted to share some things that have worked for me since I have been at it for 40 + days.

My Trampoline/Rebounder

A couple years ago, I picked up a 36 inch trampoline to exercise and I used it sporadically. I just got this one for my friend and neighbor so we could exercise together: having a partner is great for motivation and accountability. What I love about exercising on the rebounder is that you do not have to exercise for a long time to get the benefits  from it. It is easier on the joints than running, works the core and different parts of the body and is great to improve balance. Most of my workouts last 15 to 20 minutes, I sweat buckets and my heartbeat goes up and there are a variety to choose from on you tube. This is my favorite way to exercise.

Stamina 36-Inch Trampoline Circuit Trainer with Monitor, 36 Inch Diameter
Stamina 36 inch Trampoline

Running or Walking

I usually get 2 walking sessions with that same friend a week and try to add one run on Fridays. I enjoy the walking but don’t feel as many benefits from it now so we try to add a few joggings spurts. We usually walk a little over 3 miles and if I am running I run just over 2 miles.

Weights and Abs

We’ve added a few workout seesions with some light weights (5lb or 8 lbs) and just rotate through some you tube videos, usually 2 to 3 times a week.

Biking and Swimming

Just added those and am hoping to at least do each once a week for fun! Exercise bores me after a while (apart from the trampoline since I really can see some results with less of a muffin top) so I need some fun and variety. We biked downtown this past Saturday (and discovered a new cool mural of Trevor Lawrence — anyone into football) and ended at a local brewery which we will hit up for a date night.

That previous night I swam for 15 minutes and realized how good of a workout it was. Just 15 minutes of swimming (I am not a great swimmer) had me tired and almost out of breath. I figure I can swim some laps too when I head to the pool with the kids.

How to you keep up with exercise and not give up? What are some of your favorite workouts? I will say finding things that I can feel the benefits of after 20 minutes or so has really helped me. Unless I am outdoors, I am less likely to spend 45 minutes doing one type of workout.

A bientôt!

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  • Joanne

    I was so eager to read this post as I seem to have lost all my motivation to workout! I am still hiking (and trying to do that daily!) but other than that I workout sporadically at best. I know I feel and see such improvement when I do a variety of exercises but like you I tend to only work out for a few weeks or maybe a month before I start to lose interest. I do think having a variety of workout options helps though.

    • mimifce

      It really has helped to have a friend to do most of these with and I will say the shorter workouts really work for me.

  • Ellie

    I apologize already if I am commenting twice. I started but think I got interrupted and never finished, but I could be wrong 🙂

    These are such great ways to exercise. The little trampoline looks like fun! I’ve never tried that! My favorite ways are pilates and yoga along with the elliptical. I usually go to the YMCA but haven’t been in the recent months due to having to wear a mask while exercising. But I think it’s a bit more relaxed again now and we still have our membership, so I really need to get back to it. Unfortunately it’s so easy for me to slack off when doing it at home.
    Ellibelle’s Corner

    • mimifce

      Only came through once =) I did pilates a long time ago and I remember that I could see results after just a few weeks. Haven’t done it in forever though.

  • Claire

    I love to run and trampoline but it has been ages since I have been on the trampoline. I might treat myself to one of these 🙂 Thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays.

    • mimifce

      Thanks, Claire! I really have enjoyed the trampoline on the days I do not want to be out in the heat.

  • Mica

    It’s good you are finding so many ways to exercise! I can’t do much with my knee sadly – but we have been trying to take the kids out for longer hikes on the weekend, and runnign around with them in the back yard counts as exercise I’m sure, haha! 🙂

    Hope you are having a nice week 🙂

    • mimifce

      I enjoy the variety but it has been hard to feel motivated the last 2 weeks. Trying to keep it up though!

  • Bojana Krienke

    It sounds like a) you make time daily to move your body and b) you have lots of variety! I love that. I remember I used to have a little trampoline, I think that my mom actually used for excersise and then I did for a bit after highschool. I love routine and habit so I run mostly. Lucky for me, I get two runs in with my BFF and then a third one either with her or on my own. I also try to do 1 or 2 weight workouts from BeachBody during the week, and my husband, I and our pup try to walk 2 miles each day as well.

    I used to swim and found it so hard!!!!!! I’d really like to do that again but since the pandemic swimming has become much more complicated as you have to book, etc.

    Love all of your energry and how you have such great variety.

  • Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    I work out from 4:30-5:30 a.m. every morning or it won’t get done!! Sometimes if I need to sleep in due to not being able to fall asleep the night before, I’ll try and get my workout in later. That is hard to do, though, because my husband is working remotely downstairs where my workout stuff is! I do 3 days of weight training using the iFit app and I run 3 days a week (3 miles each day unless I’m training for a half, then that number can go WAY up). I love your little trampoline! I have been thinking about getting one.


    • mimifce

      The mixture of different things keeps me from getting bored. Will be heading out in a little bit with a friend for our Saturday brisk walk.

  • Shelbee on the Edge

    I love the idea of the trampoline! I have been doing yoga most days for up to an hour and a half each day. But I really need to get back to some kind of high intensity workout as well. I was doing some easy HIIT videos on YouTube but I got lazy and bored with it! As a former competitive swimmer, I can attest to how great (and tiring) swimming is for exercise. You burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time as well and it is so much better on your joints. But I can’t do it anymore because my shoulders are destroyed from doing it too much! Thanks for sharing your routine. There’s lots of new things for me to consider!


    • mimifce

      That is my main problem: I get bored fast. This past week I have moved but not sweated much so this coming week is to make sure I have a short run or my 20 minutes of more intensive trampoline workout.