kids,  mom,  outdoors,  travel

Downtown Bike Ride

Our activities this summer have consisted of a lot free outdoors activities apart from two weekend trips. One of the new to us activities and riding our bikes downtown. We park at a nearby park as the hill to our neigborhood is not fun at all especially after biking and we typically pack some water and snacks or lunch. After doing it with just our oldest, we took all of the kids on our last expedition.

From where we park, there are side walks the whole way as well as crosswalks which makes us feel safe. A large part of the ride is also in the shade so a late start is not too bad. On this occasion we left close to noon so I packed a lunch for us.

I actually had never read this plaque in the 3 years we have lived here so I learned a little about our town’s history. There are a number of restaurants downtown so maybe one day we will have lunch at one instead of packing ours.

Here is the monument described above. I have taken Christmas pictures downtown and lately I have noticed a few places where I would like to take some pictures. Nice brick walls and structures abound as the old courthouse.

We treated the boys to some icecream as not everyone is enthusiastic about the ride. It is actually not much more than a 30-40 ride when all of us join in but it is not exactly flat the whole way.

Of course, it would be more pleasant to do this in the fall! But since we just bought our neighbor’s bike rack, we’ve been wanting to ride. It is still not ideal since it doesn’t fit all of our bikes but if we are not going to far we don’t mind taking two cars.


There are a lot of pretty houses along the way the closer to downtown you get and many of them are old historic homes. One of these days, I should walk around and take some pictures for a blog post.

We still have rafted down the river this year but hopefully we will soon. Getting up and out of the house has been a struggle so some activities just don’t seem as enticing when it is midday and really hot!

A bientôt!

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