fashion,  inspired by,  summer

Inspired by Pinterest and a Pair of Cowboy Boots

I was reading a post by Grace (Graceful Rags) and KellyAnn (This Blonde Shopping Bag) about wearing your clothes and getting inspiration from Pinterest and I decided that my cowboy boots needed a spin! I looked through my pins and picked one that I could recreate fairly easily by shopping my closet. I was actually tempted to buy a brown tank but that would have defeated the purpose of this exercise. I have been wearing all of the things in my closet and making sure to pull some things that I haven’t worn much in the last years. I love my cowboy boots, they were my most expensive clothing purchase ever but I do not wear them often. I came accross the following pin and an impromptu visit with the boys to our local Western Art Museum was the perfect location to take pictures!

I was tempted to find a brown tank at Target but that would have defeated the purpose of this exercise so I looked through my closet for an option for a top. I tried a cute plaid top but it was really too cowboy (my little photographer agreed) so I settled on this green tank (yes, from Target, that I found a couple years ago).

The sculpures outside the museum are really amazing especially when you learn about the process for making metal sculpures. I am always amazed by creative talent. These large pieces make quite an impression and my youngest loved them! Don’t you think my thrifted white skirt is a perfect match for the Pinterest inspiration?

My Amazon belt is probably my most worn one in my closet. It goes with everything and gives a summer vibe to any outfit. It can be adjusted to be worn high or low.

This little crossbody purse is my favorite crossbody: big enough to hold everything and in this case, it kept my outfit from being too much: I tried a boho purse and it just wasn’t the right touch.

I love the back of this tank! It makes it special. My cork earrings were the perfect match for the belt so I reached for them. I still wear my Nickel and Suede earrings all the time but I am trying to reach for some of my other statement earrings too. If you add something to your closet, if you spend money on something, you should make sure that it is something worth spending money and time on it. I am liking not feeling the urge to add things to my online carts!

The boys really enjoyed the museum (it had been a couple of years since we had been) so I went ahead and got a year’s membership. It will be nice to bring my brother and his wife or to visit and enjoy one section of the museum slowly on the weekends.

Do you own a pair of cowboy boots? And how often do you wear them? I really like them so my goal is to incorporate them more into my outfits.

A bientôt!

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