fashion,  Sunday Showcase,  winter

Winter Whites, Winter Lights: January Sunday Showcase


It always is a little frustrating when you have an outfit in mind for a post and when you try it on, it really doesn’t look like you expected. This is what happened for this post. I have different white pants that I have worn in winter but was trying to create an outfit in the cream family so I thought my cream camo pants would be fun. However, when I tried on my outfit, the proportions just didn’t work. The cream combat boots looked weird, the sweater was too long, it just didn’t look very cute. I was also in a little time crunch for pictures as we were going on a short vacation after the Christmas weekend and wanted to take a little blog break. I have also been spoiled with some pretty nice backdrops lately so taking pictures in my backyard was a little let down. All of this to say that I do like this outfit but I am not sure that the pictures do it justice.

This outfit is a perfect example of what my closet contains: lots of Target boots, a number of Nickel and Suede earrings, hand me down or thrifted pieces and Amazon or other tops. Different ranges in prices, different retailers and at least 1/3 thrifted. I am hoping to increase the second hand portion by shopping more in consigment shops and online places like Poshmark next year.

I really enjoy neutrals in the winter and cream is a great one to lighten an outfit in cold winter. The cut out on this top is really cute and I plan to wear it with jeans soon. I actually wore this outfit for more than blog pictures by repeating it for church today.

The top is actually pretty long and can be worn as a tunic with leggings so I used a trick several bloggers have shared: tuck it in your bra! I was impressed at how well it worked to create the right proportions with the skirt. I am still a little unused to wearing the more masculine combat boots with some of my skirts but it is a fun twist on a more feminine outfit.

I will be sharing more ways on how to wear this top next month! I have been missing my 5 ways to wear post and have one planned in a couple weeks with velvet joggers. When buying new things, always have several ways in mind to wear them!

I am looking forward to seeing what this year brings on the blog. My numbers are growing slowly but surely as I continue to write as a hobby. My goal is to continue sharing budget friendly ways to wear things that you already own. Of course, I am not immune to shopping so I need to have some strategies and plans in mind for myself so I don’t go overboard! I will continue sharing our little trips and how we make them possible. I like having a blog that is more than just about fashion. It allows to share a little more about me and is somewhat of a journal.

Here is a closer look at Ada’s pretty cream sweater dress! It reminds me that I haven’t worn mine yet this year and gives me some inspiration: I don’t think I have worn mine with booties yet, just with riding boots.

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My favorite post for December was Claire Justine’s Flared Jeans with Stripy Tank Top! Such a cute outfit: I love the blouse paired with the sweater vest (always cool how things are named different in different countries) and I am all about different cuts for jeans lately. Pretty!

Flared Jeans With Stripy Tank Top And Platform Boots

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One more look at cute Ada and her daughter Vivian in their winter lights!