travel,  zoos and aquariums

Zoo Atlanta: Animal Close Up

During our small winter break mid February, we took advantage of a pretty day and our zoo membership to spend a couple of hours at Zoo Atlanta. The operating hours change from 9 am to 10 am so we arrived just a few minutes before it opened and we were in for a treat! All of the animals were very visible and active which is not always the case.

Zoo Atlanta is not a big zoo but it does pack quite a few animals in its space and the exhibits have been updated over the years. The pandas are always a draw but they often nap so it was exciting to see all 4 awake and eating each in their enclosure.

Next the sumatran tiger surprised us by showing himself: they are a couple of spots you can see him front but he oftentimes settles where it is difficult to see him. We were so happy to see him move around near the glass windows.

This rhinoceros hornbill and his partner gave us a show by swinging on the branch and jumping/flying to the other one.

The boys always enjoy the naked mole rats and the komodo dragon. The naked moles rats might be kind of ugly but they can be pretty fun to watch as they all lay on top of each other, go through tunnels and look for food.

And now my favorites on this visit: the gorillas! First we watched the young gorilla play outside on the hammock and bugging his sisters. We then went to the indoor viewing spot and were rewarded by two females close by getting comfortable in their spots to enjoy the morning sun. The one on the right was sitting by the viewing window and we wondered what she thought as we sat close to her.

It was a sunny but chilly day so my Poshmark Caite and Kyla jacket was the perfect topper to wear. It’s still my favorite piece of clothing in my closet!

Hope you enjoyed today’s animal display!

A bientôt!

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  • Joanne

    OH I am so jealous of the panda bears! That is one animal that we have never seen in any of the zoos we’ve visited! It looks like a lovely day and I love your outfit.

  • Jodie Filogomo

    A lot of times we try to get to places when they open, and who knew that the animals would be around more then. I’ll have to remember that when we go to our zoo…we still haven’t been during the day to see the animals.
    Loved all of these shots Mireille,

    • mimifce

      The Phoenix zoo is on my list! We have found that earlier is typically better in the warm months. In winter it is kind of the opposite.

  • Marsha Banks

    I love zoos! We were always going to zoos when I was a kid. When the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo opened, we didn’t travel as much to different zoos. If you are ever in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area, I highly recommend it. Other zoos really can’t hold a candle to it! That being said…your zoo looks pretty darn awesome. I love gorilla exhibits, too. They are so expressive and such fun to watch!

    • mimifce

      My favorite zoo of all times has been the St Louis zoo followed by the Jacksonville zoo. I have heard great things about the Cincinnati zoo but we put yours on the list if we ever go to Indiana!

  • Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    Caite & Kyla has some great pieces and I love embroidery! Such a cute jacket. That panda photo is adorable! We have the St. Louis zoo here which is a good one, but my kids aren’t as interested in it anymore like they were when they were little. I miss our once a week zoo days during the summer! We are going to check out the San Diego zoo (which is supposed to be another good zoo!) in June and I can’t wait. I have never been.


    • mimifce

      They are a lot of fun especially when it is not too hot. The good thing about the Atlanta one is that a lot of it is shaded.

  • Gail

    You got really close up to some spectacular animals! We saw pandas at Edinburgh Zoo a few years ago but they were quite a long way away, and I was sad to see how small their enclosure was. Thanks for linking!

    • mimifce

      These have 3 enclosures one of which is outside which is not a bad size. It’s not a large zoo compared to others but it has seen a lot of improvements over the years.