budget,  hikes,  outdoors,  travel

A Hike at Stone Mountain Park, GA

We hadn’t visited Stone Mountain in quite a while so I took advantage of meeting up with a new Instagram friend nearby to plan a hike. Now, going up Stone Mountain on the hottest week of the start of summer might not have been the best idea but we came prepared with water, snacks and gatorade. We also made sure to wear hats and wear sunscreen.

We also make sure to walk in the shade as much as possible. For the first part of the hike, we were able to do that by sticking to shade of the pine trees. Stone Mountain boast the largest exposed mass of granite in the world. So when you walk up, you are walking on granite.

When I first got married, I lived in Stone Mountain and used to walk up and down the mountain quite often. As a new mom, I would meet my new mom friends and we would walk the 5 mile walk around the base. I even would run down the mountain while my oldest was at daycare for an hour after I was done teaching. My husband and I would go on dates at the lodge there and play pool.

Halfway up there is a rail to help you walk up the steep part then it is full on sun for the last section.

You can also go up with the skylift if you chose to. It does not start at the same spot you walk up the mountain. The boys enjoyed a souvenir cup icee in the air condioned space at the summit.

I had forgotten about some of the other spots in the park! There is a nice playground, a old mill, a covered bridge and a “village” part with shops and activities.

We enjoyed our picnic by the covered bridge where it was slightly cooler than on the mountain. It was very peaceful here and I think we need to return on a cool fall day.

With Atlanta traffic, this is not very close to home but there is enough to do there for a day therefore worth the drive.

Here I am with Yenni, from IdeasValyen at her booth in the Painted Tree Boutique in Snellville. The boutique is a large area with booth with many vendors and I was impressed with how large the set up was: a great place to go Christmas shopping. I would say the whole of it is as large as a place like Rack Room shoes or something similar.

A bientรดt!

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