fashion,  summer

A Gorgeous Maxi Skirt

Skirts… So many different styles! One of my favorites is probably the maxi skirt, especially one that has a great flow. On our trip to New Orleans, I stepped into a little overcrowded boutique on Magazine Street. There were racks filling all of the spaces, flowy dresses and skirts, hats and accessories. It was cramped but some of the pieces really caught my eye. One of them was this absolutely gorgeous skirt.

It was not a budget piece but I was on vacation! So I decided to buy it and wore it the following day and just loved it. Look at all of the color possibities: olive, pink, fuschia, yellow! I can also play with accessories in these colors. Since I was on vacation and had a limited wardrobe, I chose my black tank top and my black sandals for my first combination.

This is one of my favorite pictures of this skirt as it shows how it flares from the thigh down. I need to make a video while walking: I love how it swishes! Sadly my little companion was very serious in this picture. It was quite warm and we walked a lot.


The boys ordered some fruity drinks in the French market and this was so pretty, I decided it made a nice prop. There were many colorful stands and vendors but since I had bought this skirt the day before, I limited myself to 2 pairs of inexpensive but very original and pretty domino earrings.


I like how deciding to have a month of skirt outfits to share with Ada has helped me remember why I like my skirts! Some of them are simple, some of them are statements. I would say this one makes a statement which is why I really like it with this simple tank and writing this post makes me want to wear it again.

I will say I was pleasantly surprised that while walking in the French quarter on 2 day different days, we were not assaulted by too many smells and sights. Of course, Bourbon Street (which I wanted to skip) was smelly and not in the least where I wanted to walk. But otherwise, there were pretty buildings to admire, trees and plants to see and the square in front of the St. Louis cathedral was clean. There was a lot less homeless people around than I expected, I would say less than in Atlanta.

I felt safe at all times which was important to me especially with 4 impressionable boys with me. We did pass one person sleeping on the street so the boys asked questions since that person was obviously homeless and it was a learning experience for them to realize that they are very privileged boys.

Do you have a favorite style of skirt? Do you have something colorful like this in your closet that just makes you feel good when you wear it? I was reading something last month about wearing clothes that make you feel good… This skirt makes me feel pretty and makes me feel good. I feel feminine while being perfectly comfortable. I am so glad I stepped into that little crowded boutique to take a peek!

Don’t forget to stop by Ada’s post and see more of her look! I love that bright tank and her lovely skirt!

A bientôt!

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