budget,  fashion,  summer

OTTD recap, July 6-11

As I am trying to rotate through everything in my closet, I thought I would share a week of outfits once again, but this time in real time. Last time, I shared them a month after I wore them. I really like what I came up with, my goal was to wear things I hadn’t worn much or hadn’t worn yet this summer. These are the outfits I wore this past week.


I tend to wear several outfits in a day on the weekend as we may have different activities going on and we usually go to church in the evening. Last week, we decided to go tubing down the river (the one 5 min from our house), so I included a couple pictures from that.

Morning errands in a thrifted tank and my trusty denim shorts, then changed into a dress for church. I love this wrap dress, but I don’t think I had worn it, but maybe once this spring. I bought it on vacation a few years ago.


Church day: I was inspired by Jodie to wear a kimono over my tulle dress overlay: I also wore a white cargo skirt under and wore a navy Halftee for coverage. I changed into a thrifted skirt for the afternoon: it was so hot and humid, I sweated completed through, but it doesn’t show in the picture!


Knowing that I am thrifting this week, I am pulling out different things I haven’t worn yet: I cannot justify buying something “new” if I don’t wear what I have! A new combos here with things I have had in my closet for a year or two! I really like this color combo and the flowy top was great on another humid day. Boys are vacuuming the house for me while I work on the blog.


I took the boys to Lakepoint Station which has mini golf, gem panning, clip and climb… for a couple hours of fun. The skort was perfect even though it got hot playing mini golf in the middle of the day. The purse is thrifted and I wore it most of the week.


I went thrifting with my friend in Chattanooga. We had a great time visiting, shopping and stopping for lunch. It was a successful shopping trip and great to catch up after not having seen each other in about a year. I wore something that I could try clothes over if I needed to, but it was unnecessary since both places we visited had open dressing rooms. Thrifted purse, small business earrings and necklace, everything very old: the short sleeve cardigan is about 10 years old.


Blog post coming up in a few weeks featuring this outfit! Super comfortable for errands, visiting my parents and going things around the house!


I continued having fun in my closet on the last day of the week: while I will be wearing all shorts next week (I just thrifted 4 printed pairs), this week, I tried to have a nice variety of styles and pieces. The pants were thrifted and all of my accessories are from small boutiques/businesses.

A bientôt!

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  • Joanne

    I find there are days where I go through multiple outfits too. I really love Monday’s look and Friday’s looks nice and cool and comfy. Those pants are fabulous.

  • jodie filogomo

    I love how you layered the sheer dress. I need to play with mine more now
    And good job wearing what you have. I change many days especially when we walk the dog, but those outfits don’t usually get shared.

    • mimifce

      I am looking forward to wearing a it over denim and another pair of pants I have in mind in the fall. It will be fun to see how it turns out.

    • mimifce

      I guess it’s a good thing it is getting a whole post then! I don’t often wear a cap all day, but it was a fun casual outfit.

  • Sally in St Paul

    Every outfit a winner this week! I love seeing how people take older, less recently worn pieces from their closets and restyle them. The mustard floral top + salmon shorts was a knock-out color combination!

    • mimifce

      Thanks! I might be doing more of these posts in the future as little bonus blog post. Some weeks, I am pretty happy with my new outfits with what has been there for a while.

  • Doris

    I love how you’re mixing up your outfits this week! The thrifted pieces are so cute, and I admire your creativity. Your wrap dress and kimono look amazing! I can’t wait to see your upcoming blog post. Keep having fun with your closet!

    • mimifce

      Thanks, Doris! I will be sharing posts like this a couple times a month I think, especially on weeks that I thought I was pretty creative.

  • Leslie Susan Clingan

    Yes, yes, yes to everything. I need to wear my yellow floral top that I bought last year using your link. I love all the colors and possibilities it offers. Yay for a skort to get in the mix. Love the blue skirt and solid blue top. The kimono and tulle are a homerun and you look precious in your cut-off denim shorts.

    • mimifce

      Thanks, Leslie! I am rotating some stuff right now in my closet, either using pieces for upcoming blog posts (I have fashion posts written or planned through the end of September right now) or making sure they make the rotation in my daily outfits. This week is the shorts I just thrifted and next week is skirts. It helps me remember why I have kept certain things (so that I not only wear my favorite pieces) or realize something just got to go. So I will have 2 more posts like this the next 2 Saturdays.

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