budget,  fashion,  summer

Linen Pants and Black Tank: A Travel Outfit

Sometimes, the simplest outfits are the best outfits. I wore these pants on the way from the US to Georgia and for the car ride from Tbilisi to Batumi as well as our flight back to the US. Our flight out of Tbilisi was not till 9 PM, so we had one last day visiting the city before heading to the airport. We had a great time walking and discovering a couple new spots once again. Once was the remnant of the fortress we had seen from the botanical gardens the first day. There is not much left to it, just parts of a tower.

We went past the Turkish baths and discovered this bridge with the love locks on it. The bridge was there before, but I do not remember the locks.

We walked down one bridge to the river and then to our surprise found a tunnel with artwork and photographs leading to the main large river: the Kura River.

On that side we were pretty much at the level of the water (which was really high from all of the rain) and the path ended at a dock. This was very strategic as it was a place that advertised pontoon tours on the river. We actually had made fun of people that were paying for this activity, but we actually took a tour and we had a great time. Of course, it would have been more picturesque had the river not been muddy and brown, but it was really neat to see the city from a different angle.

We then said goodbye to the city after another wonderful meal. We had a great 2 week vacation and now are thinking ahead to our next destination abroad. My thoughts? Summer 2026 in Spain.

A bientôt!

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I was glad for the length of the pants when we walked to this little fortress: it kept the weeds/bushes off my legs.


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