budget,  fashion

Combat boots and Thursday Moda with Ada

A style I did not think I would be attracted to are combat boots but turns out I love them! These boots are versatile and fun and I am looking forward to wearing them all fall and winter. Today I am joining Ada from Elegance and Mommyhood for Thursday Moda in styling our combat boots. Do you own a pair?

I love that we have very different outfits this time! Both colorful but different!

Combat Boots

I like the edge that the combat boots give to an outfit but by choosing the taupe suede pair, they still are fairly feminine.I paired them with leggings and a tunic for this outfit but they look just as cute with a skirt or a dress as you can see below.

I am a little disappointed that I didn’t make it till the new year without spending money on clothes but a 50 day run isn’t too bad. I also made sure to only buy things on sale after that 50 day period. There is no reason to pay full price for something right now as sales seem to cycle every couple of weeks.

Pairing old with new: I still love my zella high waisted leggings as much as when I bought them 2 to 3 years ago and haven’t found any to rival them. Not inexpensive but I have worn them so much they have been worth every penny. This tunic is really cute in the back with a criss cross detail. I love when I still wear something and can’t remember when I bought it: a definite good buy!

Notice I am not wearing a pair of Nickel and Suede earrings? I try to branch out every once in a while, lol! These were a birthday gift from a friend a while back.

I wanted to show you the pretty texture of the boots close up. I actually ordered these on my phone vs my computer so I was a little surprised when I opened the box: it was hard to see details on a small screen.

I was also happily surprised with the zipper which makes putting these on and off really easy.

I really love the boots with a dress! This was a fun Sunday church outfit!

And now for Ada’s outfit! I love the bright cheery color of this dress and it pairs very well with the edginess of the combat boots.

And here is a close up of the shoes. These boots are a really nice pair of combat boots! I love their shine! Here is the link to her post!

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A bientΓ΄t!

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