friday favorites

February Friday Favorites

I really should write notes on my phone if no paper is available when I have an idea. Here I am in front of my computer writing my post for tomorrow and I have no idea which Friday Favorites I will share wih you today! I am very grateful that Georgia was not hit by the cold front and am keeping everyone in Texas in my prayers. I actually have friends whom I didn’t realize had just moved there but thankfully nothing major has happened to their house. We always wish for snow but our infracture in the south is not prepared for it nor do we know how to deal with it but from what I understand a lot of the outages could have been prevented if the power companies in Texas had winterized their plants. Nonetheless, those are some record lows and I pray that power is restored soon for all and that everyone can start the cleanup and taking care of their homes. It’s one thing for someone financially able and with insurance to make repairs but my heart goes to those who are not in that position.

On a lighter note, I did want to share a few things with you this Friday: trivial and fun things that have brought a smile to my face this month.

New Hangers

I bought some new hangers to streamline by closet at the beginning of the month and that is when I realized I am not lacking in clothes! I had to go back a few times to buy more hangers. As I replacs my old ones with these velvet ones from TJ Maxx (they are not the sturdiest but were in my price range), I continued to cull my wardrobe and started a new donation pile. I also went through the boys clothes as I was replacing some of their little hangers with my old ones. All I can say is that I have no reason to purchase any cold weather clothes next fall and winter!

Fresh Flowers and Fruit

I bought myself a handful of sunflowers a few weeks ago and then my husband brought roses home for Valentines. I am also trying to buy lots of fruit. The boys take multivitamins but there is nothing like fresh fruit!  The colors bring a smile to my face when I am in the kitchen.

Visit to the Tennesee Aquarium

I will share more pictures from our visit on Wednesday but here is one of the pictures my son took. The only edit was to take out a reflection in the glass pane. Each time we visit, we come home with a new favorite sea creature.

A bientôt!

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