friday favorites,  mom

January Favorites: Running and French Treats

I don’t post favorites every month but sometimes I like to think about things that have brought be joy or that I have enjoyed during the month. After trying to run a 2 miles 8 days in a row I figured that while I enjoy running leasurely with others, I only like to run faster when I do a 5K. So at running club, depending on my mood I run with the slower ladies or the faster ones. I also am not forcing myself to run every day but just a few times a week and walking other days. I love the outdoors and while we get cold weather, we do have a lot of sunny days which make the cold bearable. Below was our last 5 K a few weeks ago where my son won 1st place for his age group and I won top master for women 40 and above. We are running another one tomorrow but it is going to be another cold one so we shall see!

Every year, my best friend and I exchange Christmas gifts for our families and each other. Since she lives in France, she always sends me some fun goodies that I miss! Here are a few of the things she sent me:

  • Cote d’or chocolate bar: these are my favorites!
  • Amora mustard: it is so much cheaper to buy it in France and I love it on sandwiches, on meat and on pate.
  • Butter cookies: these were so good!
  • Quadro which are made in the south of France where we grew up
  • Pate de canard: duck pate which I need to snack on this weekend with a baguette.

My Caite and Kyla tie dye embroidered jacket I found on Poshmark has brough me joy and warmth this month. I found it last month and have worn it about once a week since then. It really has nice weight to it so it is warmer than you would think. I love the color and the bright embroidery. I have had lots of fun shopping my closet this month and really have done well not spending much on clothes. Maybe February can be a repeat!

What are some things you have enjoyed this month? I wished we had hiked more but between cold weekends and birthdays, we haven’t had time. Hopefully we’ll hike more in February.

A bientôt!

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