Life as a mom of 4
Mommyhood: When We Don’t Have the Answers
While there are certain areas of being a mommy that come naturally to me, I definitely have some areas where I don’t know what the right answer is. Having children from the age of 2 (almost 3) to 14, there are certain things that I have learned but a lot that I struggle with. Am I too lenient? Am I too tough? I definitely believe in structure, consistency and a routine but a schedule is easy compared to figuring out how much privacy is too much for a teen or whether your child is hurt or faking it. I also wonder sometimes if I am tougher with one kid versus…
Allattoona Lake Hike and Motherhood
Last week was a week! I have been struggling on the motherhood train lately for no particular reason. The children aren’t really behaving any differently than usual, squabbles are not more frequent nor am I really been woken up more than usual by the toddler. I just have been feeling blah. I haven’t been very productive around the house, just doing the necessary things such as laundry and vaccuming and of course feeding the troops. Why is it hard for children to realize they should be grateful their parents take them on outings, hikes and vacations? This past Saturday, we all enjoyed a pretty hike and a picnic. However to…
Fall Decor 2020
I like to share my seasonal decor even though it is not grandiose or very exciting. As far as decor goes, I really am more of a minimalist as clutter just annoys me. I did add a couple of things to my decor this year with the plaid carpet for the front porch door mat and the felt pumpkins in my tiered tray. Fall is one of my favorite seasons as the weather makes hiking and outdoor activities more fun and I love having breakfast or any other meals on my back porch. So without further ado, here is my fall decor. I bought the letter board a year ago…
Organization: a Key Component in Budgeting
I briefly touched on how being organized is important and vital in being successful with budgeting and saving money in an Instagram post last Friday. In this instance, being organized is synonymous with planning. You are organizing your budgeting by planning what expenses you will have. As you will see today, being organized does not mean you will always reach your goal because you also need dedication and self control but it will truly be helpful in planning your budget and being prepared for life events and being realistic with how much you can spend and save. Here are some areas that I think it is important to consider and…
August Favorites
My favorite this month are experiences! It makes me feel good that we are spending time together and having fun! Day Date with my Hubby The last couple of weeks, my husband and I have been able to escape for an hour or so without the children and enjoy some time together. It might look like an trip to Home Depot or a hike up a mountain. We are planning a trip to a winery this weekend for our anniversary if weather permits. I will stop by the French bakery and pick up some croissants and pains au chocolat for breakfast, a baguette to make sandwiches for lunch and my…
Children Spaces: How to Make it Work
I have shared different parts of my home, especially the chilren’s spaces as I have made small improvements. Today, I want to share one of our playrooms. We have 2 spots that are not bedrooms where the children play. One is a loft area off the middle boys’ room and the other is what I call our media room. The media room is where the boys play the Wii and Nintendo switch and where we store most of our board games, where we have our puzzle table and now our multi game table. The purpose of this post is to remind you that whether your children’s play space is in…
July Favorites
July has gone by quickly! We have had some busy days and some quiet days, we have spent some time with friends and also alone together as a family and both were needed. Today, I am sharing my favorites for the month. #1 Sunflowers This is my 2nd year planting sunflowers and I have enjoyed seeing them as I drive up to my house. I occasionally cut one or two and bring them in. They bring sunshine and happiness indoors. We also went to a sunflower field to take some pictures and I cut a few to take home. Sunflowers remind me of my childhood and remind me of the…
At Home Traveling and Adventures
As you may have noticed, there has not been any pictures of travels apart from our long weekend in Chattanooga, TN this past January. Instead you have seen many pictures of hikes and visit to outdoor spaces such as state parks. You will continue to see more of those and I am so happy to have booked a week right next to the Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina so I will have a few new pictures and adventures to share. Today I wanted to encourage you to explore the area where you live. You do not have to do a long road trip to have a little fun this…
4th of July Decor
Today I am sharing my patriotic decor. I usually pull it out a few weeks before the 4th, sometimes remember to have it out for Memorial Day weekend as well as Labor Day and Veteran’s Day. What I like about it is that all of it was budget friendly and I feel that it is complete so I do not have to invest any more money each year. My front door wreath was a find at Aldi 2 summers ago for less than $20! I love it: it is wooden so I have to make sure to store it well but it has held up well. It makes a pretty…
June Favorites
Another month has gone by and we have enjoyed some more home time! I am getting a little cabin fever so I have planned a couple get together friends in the next couple of weeks. While I have slowed down my shopping, there a couple things that made it into my home so I will share by top 2 favorites of those. #1 The Pool After some debating, our HOA decided to open the pool the first week of June. I was beyond grateful since it has been harder to convince my boys to go play outside. The newness of playing outside at all hours of the day has worn…