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River rafting

One of the things I wanted to do before the weather turns cold is go down the Etowah river with my family. We usually do it a few times a year since one of the drop offs is down the road from our house and it is a fun, free afternoon activity to do as a family. The adventure is a little different every time even though we always do the same stretch of the river.

We bought 2 Seahawk 4 rafts last summer on Amazon and haved used them probably 10 times now. It looks like they have gone up in price but we purchased them for $80 each. We can all fit in one but like to have a second one so that friends and family can join us. We took them on our Blue Ridge weekend this summer and rafted twice. They have been great investments!

I always sure that everyone wears a hat, myself included! Thankfully, part of our river ride is in the shade so even though our weather still has been in the 90s, our adventure was still enjoyable.

This time we all went in the river myself included. There are spots where the water is shallow while other areas the water is very deep. All the boys wear lifevests. Another great investment! Lifevest are very affordable and if you take care of them, they will last forever!. My eldest’s vest is more than 18 years old!!

My husband took advantage of the shallow waters to teach the boys how to skip rocks. It was fun to watch them!

If the weather doesn’t cool off too much before November, we might be able to have another ride down. The boys are always unsure about wanting to come but they always enjoy themselves. Just as when we go hiking, I have learned to keep on taking them on outdoor outings and adventures because while they might complain they actually do love it!

A bientΓ΄t!

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