budget,  fashion

Shopping on a Budget: Thrifting

I only went thrifting once or possibly twice in 2020. I plan to remedy that this year and hope to make it a monthly outing with my mom. There is a nice consignment store in her small town where I always find something as well as a St Vincent de Paul thrift store that surprised me with a few fun finds in November. I was disappointed to see that it was closed the day we went because of possible COVID exposure so I plan to stop by next month. I think the thing that I enjoy the most from shopping second hand is finding some items that you do not see everyone wearing. Being able to buy these items at a fraction of their original cost is quite exciting too.

Today, I am sharing two items I found on this thrifting trip. The third is a fun bright boho orange skirt that I could winterize but would rather wait to wear it till spring and summer. All three items were part of the 60% off winter sale at the consignment store which made them very affordable at about $4 each.

Lularoe Skirt

The first thing that caught my eye as I browsed this particular rack of clothes was the colorfulness of the skirt. I have been adding skirt to my closet for the past year and donated the ones I do not wear anymore and I thought this particular skirt could be worn all year long.

While it probably lends itself more for the warmer months of the year with its colorfulness and material, I chose to wear this skirt to church on an afternoon when it was in the mid-fifties. I first tried it with a white pointelle sweater and a pair of brown riding boots but I just didn’t like how the outfit turned out. I then put on these boots and looked through my long sleeve tops that might work. This gauzy shirt has been such an awesome addition to my closet. It doesn’t provide warmth but on a sunny winter day, it was perfectly fine.

J Jill Sweater

Just before leaving the consignment store, this green sweater caught my eye. I have been trying to add different colors to my closet and this was such a pretty green and the cut of the cardigan drew me.

The cardigan came with a pin that is wrapped in the same color yarn so I can think of several ways to attach it to make it look different. This tyime, I made the lapels lay flat but next, I think I will try a more closed look. A belt would be cute too!

It even has pockets! I thought it would look sharp with white jeans and pulled out my newest pair of booties. They are a higher shaft than all of my other booties so it is a fun change to wear these. The heel is also taller than what I am used too but chunky and comfortable.

Another bonus to this consignment store: the dressing rooms (2) are open! Being able to try on the items I am interested in is key when I might may be spending more than typical thirft store prices.

A bientôt!

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