outdoors,  travel

Finding Beauty in Small Things in Nature

While we do not have the cold and ice from up North, it has gotten fairly cold here for us in Georgia with most day temps averaging between 30 and 45 degrees. Lows do get in the 20s and high sometimes get in the 50s but add some wind to the weather and it can get downright cold. After a January with very inconsistent walking, I vowed last week to do better with getting out there and walking and hopefully back to running regularly. I did have some issue with my right shin after my first run last week so I am going to be careful and watch it with better stretching (and I did get a new pair of shoes which will surely make a difference). We haven’t been hiking in a while but my 2 walking friends and I have a variety of choices for our walks. We can walk in our neighborhood (which we typically do when we walk during the week) and there are 2 parks within a 5 minute drive with walking paths.

Blue Skies

This past weekend we walked at one of the parks and we added a little stretch to make our walk a 3.6 miles walk. It is amazing how seeing blue skies and a few puffy clouds can make in ones’ mood. It isn’t sunny everyday but the sun shines often enough to brighten our week.

We added this little road to our walk and there are a couple of houses back here as well as some old edifices that are about to fall down.

Part of this path reminds me of the village I grew up in France. We lived across a river and “campground” which was a park with grass, large majestic oak trees where we would sometimes go play. I remember scaring the cows that some farmer let roam free there and I think it was called camp grand (big camp) because gypsy families lived there part of the year.

Anyhow, this tree made me think of that time growing up. I don’t let my kids climb on trees as I am not keen on broken arms but wouldn’t it be fun to climb such a tree?

We pass this very green swamp on the way back and it can look pretty lime green depending on how cloudy or sunny it is.


Now, one day last week, I was amazed by the beauty of the sunrise. With the sun rising a little earlier each day, after I drop of two of the boys is the perfect timing to observe the sunrise as I drive home. On this particular day, it seemed that people all over the south were admiring a similar sunrise.

The pictures were taken as I was driving home. Of course, I hadn’t set up the voice command on my phone so yelling smile or picture at my phone didn’t work. I slowed down as much as I could to take pictures which made for the interesting following picture.

This sunrise was so gorgeous! It was incredible and I tried to soak it in as much as possible on my short ride home. In retrospect, next time, I will park in the park for a few minutes ot really enjoy it and of course maybe take some pictures.

This sunrise was so pretty that I really thought it was prettier than the ones at the beach. That is one thing that I enjoy on vacation: admire nature whether it is a sunrise or sunset, waves in the ocean, trees and small creatures on a hike. We tend to take the time to really enjoy the moments.

I have enjoyed seeing the beautiful pictures of ice and snow from my friends in the north. It looks (cold of course) but also beautiful. Here we wouldn’t know how to drive in it let alone have it for longer than a week but we still wish for a yearly snowfall. It sure hasn’t happen yet but we are not giving up. It can still happen.

Here is to enjoying the weather that we do have and finding the little beautiful things in nature.

A bientรดt!

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