fashion,  mom

Lifelong Friendship: My Friend Veronique

You may have noticed my new water color header and logo! My talented friend Veronique approached me a week and a half ago as she has returned to one of the passions from her youth: drawing and asked me if I would like her to use one of my recent blog/Instagram pictures for a watercolor drawing. Of course, I responded in the affirmative and from there we created this header and logo picture! I am in awe of her talent and not only can she draw, she also sews. So I wanted to dedicate a blog post in honor of her and our friendship (by the way her birthday was this week too (we are exactly 5 month apart). Here is her blog and Instagram!

This is us the last time we saw each other in June 2019. Veronique lives about an hour from Paris, France and we spent one of our two weeks Europe trip visiting and using her home as a home base to explore the area. Veronique and I have know each since we were around 11 years old I think, so we have been friends for about 35 years!

Veronique not only draws but sews! This is my favorite piece that she has made for me! A cardigan that you can wear 4 different ways. You still see it as part of my OOTD on Instagram every so often.

This was a Christmas gift a year ago: she made this cute blouse for me which reminds me that I need to pull it out along a few other tank blouses I have.

Our friendship has stayed strong despite the distance. We usually communicate weekly through Whatsapp, send each other Christmas presents and her family has come to visit us once in the US. We dressed up and went to a Shen Yun performance which is a classical Chinese dance and music company. It was beautiful. My haircut could have used some improvements then lol!

We have been able to visit them twice since we’ve been married and one of my favorite memories is when I visited France back for the first time after I moved. The year was 1998 and I spent a few weeks in France. I went up to Paris to see the pope during the World Youth Days (I was Catholic at the time) and low and behold who do I see a few yards in front of me? My friend, Veronique! Now the reason this was amazing is that there were about 1 million people in this crowd in the Champs de Mars in front of the Eiffel Tower.

I am glad we make the time to text each other regularly. I often try to send pictures as they can put words to life. Friendships take work and time: I have realized over the years how easy it is to grow apart and I am so ever grateful that Veronique and I have made the effort to not let distance draw us apart. I moved from France in 1991 so that was the last time we lived in the same city. So once again, thanks, Vero for your friendship! I love you!

A bientôt!

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    • mimifce

      Thank you! I really like how it makes my blog more special! And yes, despite the distance we are still as close as ever!

  • Ellie

    It’s so easy to drift apart these days and friendships like these are so special! Love the header she made for you, she is so skilled with her watercolors! And beautiful clothing too!
    How wonderful and amazing that you ran into each other during the pope’s visit with all those other people around!!
    Ellibelle’s Corner

    • mimifce

      It sure is. I find it difficult sometimes to keep in touch with some of my friends: everyone is always so busy, it is hard to make the time. But Veronique and I sure have done well in that area.

  • Joanne

    What a sweet friendship you two have! She sure is talented. Heading over to check out her blog now..

    • mimifce

      I can do some things but sewing and drawing are really not my area! We have lots of great memories!

  • Jennifer

    I noticed the watercolour header! It’s amazing!! I think it’s so cool that you randomly ran into her in Paris. I was raised Catholic as well but haven’t been to church in so long. I disagree a lot with the Catholic church. I still like the Saints though.

    Curated By Jennifer

  • jodie filogomo

    What are the odds that you would see her when you were in Paris that time among so many people?? Talk about a magnetic relationship.
    I remember that cardigan that she made you and what a wonderful friendship. As my bestie once said, “Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookies of life.”

  • Amy

    That header is incredible, and so YOU! How wonderful to have had a friend so long with such great distance between you two.

  • Lucy Bertoldi

    I love that header so much! It’s so original!! And how beautiful to have such a long and true friendship- I love reading stuff like this!! Have a great rest of the weekend xx

    • mimifce

      Thanks, Lucy! It is so nice to have something original! And I am blessed with this friendship! Through time and space!

  • Michelle

    I love this post, Mireille! These long friendships are priceless. My dear friend, Michele, and I have known each other since we were six years old – 51 years. At the moment, we live in the same city, but throughout our lives we’ve lived in different states and even fell off one another’s radar for a couple of years. But we picked up right where we left off. Now that we are older, we make a point of getting together. As soon as we were fully vaccinated we got together. She and I hugged so long and hard, my husband told us to get a room. LOL!

    I am so glad you have this long term special friend in your life Mireille. They really are gems.


    • mimifce

      Oh, that is so awesome! Friendships are so important! Couldn’t do it right with my friends’ support!