
Night Running NoxgerGear Tracer 2 Review

If you follow me on Instagram and read my blog regular, you might have heard me mentioning our local running club and me starting to meet up twice a week with two friends to run at 4:45 in the morning. Running club meets once a week at 6PM and both of those times are dark, especially the morning run. I have been wearing a reflecting belt but many in our group have been wearing and/or purchasing a Noxgear Tracer2 visibility vest.

The vest is made of multi LED fiber optics with a reflective belt. There are quite a few color settings and the 20 hour battery is rechargeable with a USB. It is very light and easy to put on.

I love how it makes you visible before someone’s headlights glare at you and can be seen from a distance up to 1/4 mile.

It is a litle investment at $59.99 but with me using it 4-5 times a week in the winter and a few times a week in the summer, I think it is a good investment. My friends have a two year model that still works perfectly. I feel pretty cool wearing it and it makes me feel safe.

A bientôt!

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