historic,  outdoors,  travel

Wildflowers: Take Time to Smell the Flowers

A few weeks ago, we went to the nearby Indian Mounds for a short outdoors outing. The 3 younger boys came with us as our oldest was taken part in an Academic bowl at his school. We took a walk around the historic site and sat by the river for a while. My youngest went up the tallest mound with his dad while the rest of us relaxed on a bench.

This is probably the prettiest time of the year to come as all of the wildflowers are in bloom. Soon they will cut all of this down and roll it into bales. These crimson clovers are so pretty and cover the majority of the area.

The purple hairy vetch is pretty too but what a name! In the background, you can see the stairway my 5 year old went up with his dad.

The yellow buttercups are sprinkled in with the rest of the wildflowers, but there are several patches of just them. I just enjoy the sprinkles of colors here and there.

I wouldn’t mind having a view like this out my window! But I am grateful that this is so close by and easy to get to.

Do wildflowers grow near where you live?

A bientôt!

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    • mimifce

      It was all cut down less than a week later, so I am glad I was able to take pictures then.

  • Esmé Slabbert

    Awesome nature scenes and what a lovely soft flowing white skirt.
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  • jodie

    I swear, the more we appreciate what is around us, the happier we are. Seeing the flowers or any of Mother’s Natures beauty is something I never used to do, but now I find it really therapeutic,

  • Marsha Banks

    That hairy vetch may have an ugly name, but they are lovely flowers! Unfortunately, we don’t live near any wildflowers. Where there was once farmland (and I’m only talking 5-6 years) are now housing developments and ugly cement warehouses. Our town council says the warehouses generate more tax revenue, but I’d be willing to bet they don’t live on this side of town!


    • mimifce

      Probably not! They are building more around here too but thankfully we are really close to different historic sites as well as state parks where no construction will happen.