museum,  travel

Booth Western Museum

The boys and I wanted an indoor activity on a hot summer day, so we headed out to the Booth Museum. We have visited it several times and even had a membership for a year, but it is always interesting to visit because they have some visiting exhibits several times a year. The current exhibits were the Many Metals, Many Fires: Strauss, Ivy, Rogers with contemporary sculptures using metals, and an exhibit where the artist Heide Presse studied the journals written by Keturah Penton Belknap between 1839 -1848 and created an exhibition about the families Westward journey.


I think we enjoyed both exhibits equally but this one was definitely really cool! I always think metal sculptures and wood sculptures are striking and awe inspiring.

I love the movement in this horse.

Isn’t it amazing what technology can add to art? This is a steel sculpture that has been laser cut. There is one in the lobby of the museum on permanent exhibit.

The hallway downstairs has this parade of wonderful sculptures.

This is such a fun place to take a picture! I almost took a pose, but my 9 year old decided he would.


I loved that this exhibit had paintings as well as copies of artifacts. It brings the time period to life. We divided most of our time between this exhibit and the one above.


New artwork

A bientôt!

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