mom,  outdoors,  travel

Countryside Bike Ride

Last Wednesday, I joined two of my running friends for a bike ride through the countryside about 30 minutes from my house. I’ve always liked to bike having learned to ride in our little village in France. We usually rent bikes at the beach in Florida for a day or more and I just love combining exercise with a fun sight seeing adventure. I enjoy biking more than running as it is more of a leisure activity and you can cover more ground so I was excited to join my friends. We bought some nice bikes a few years ago and have enjoyed them mostly in the fall when it is more enjoyable to take family rides.

I wasn’t prepared for the road biking in the sense that I did not bring a bike helmet, but I will be next time. The route we took was 11.5 miles and it went through some wooded roads, pastures and a little neighborhood area. Some hills but not too many made for a good workout.

The roads were well paved and not too busy with cars. Only a few passed us which made for a nice peaceful ride. My friends were surprised I could bike and take pictures/videos, but I’ve had some practice. I like to have pictures to remind me of my different adventures.

Places like this remind me of growing up in France, especially the first few years in the countryside. I love the smells and the scenery. I hope I can meet up with my friends soon again. I probably won’t be able to the next couple of weeks as my schedule won’t allow.

It was the perfect time of the evening as it wasn’t too hot and it was still bright enough out to be safe, but the sun was starting to set at the end which made for some great pictures.

This was one of those times where I just soak up the company, the weather, the scenery. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of our ride.

A bientôt!

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