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Elderberry Syrup for Cold and Flu Season

“Elderberry syrup is known as a powerful cold preventative and remedy. Just one cup of berries contains about 58% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. It’s also a great source of antioxidants — which may protect your cells from damage and help prevent heart disease and cancer” (google search). It is well kown that certain home remedies and more natural practice are more effective and better for you than the drugs that are offered on the market. Yes, I am a proponent of modern medecine when it is needed, but I do not like to give my children medicine when it is not needed. For seasonal allergies, we try local honey first, but I have found children’s Allegra to be very effective when needed. For colds and flu, I advocate sleep, rest, water/fluids and different things to make my children comfortable (humidifier, chest and foot rub).

When I came across elderberry syrup, I was excited. We just started taking a tbsp every other day for the last 10 days as a way to add natural vitamins to our diet and to help our immune system. I bought my dried elderberries from Purely Parsons (non sponsored) and followed the directions on the back of the bag.

I brought my 4 cups of water with the berries to a boil and then let is simmer on low for 30 minutes.

I used my strainer to strain the berries and let the syrup cool off.

I added 1/2 cup of local raw honey (you remember Susie from this post?) and stirred until it was well mixed. Using a funnel I poured in a bottle that will keep it fresh and put it in the fridge. I will keep for 6 weeks!

Do you have any natural remedies you like to use in the germy seasons?

A bientôt!

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  • Nancy

    For me just rest helps. I always eat healthy, but when I’m feeling a bit under the weather I indulge myself with sweets. Sort of comfort good I guess. And lots of green tea with lemon and ginger. Enjoy your weekend.

  • Joanne

    We try to go natural too and I am a huge advocate for rest and fluids anytime anyone is feeling under the weather. We eats lots of fruits and veggies and I try to get my kids to “eat a rainbow” each day if I can. We also take mutlivitamins every day and elderberry all fall & winter.

  • Candi Randolph

    I’ve been fortunate to be quite healthy over the years, but am always up for a natural way to keep me feeling good. I am not familiar with elderberry syrup as an elixir so this is definitely something for me to try. Thanks!

    • mimifce

      It keeps in the fridge for 6 weeks. Since we are well and are taking it only every other day, I will last almost that long.

  • Leslie Susan Clingan

    How great that you could use your local honey in this recipe. That is supposed to be a helpful preventative for allergies. I bought elderberry syrup for a recipe but can’t remember what recipe!! Wonder if we could just take it by the spoonful to keep us healthy?

    • mimifce

      Yes, that is why we always keep local honey on hand. It probably is fine. I wonder what is added to the syrup.

  • Lisa R. Howeler

    We love elderberry for the winter and it truly has kept us from getting sick as often. We went almost two year without catching the dreaded virus and only caught it when we backed off the gummies we had been taking with elderberry and zinc. Lesson learned. We are back on them! It is awesome that you made your own syrup. So many of the brands have too much sugar. We like Gaia but they are also super expensive for as much as you get and for a family of four.

    • mimifce

      I would love to know the brand of the gummies you take, My youngest does not want to take the syrup and it would be a good option for him.