budget,  fall,  fashion

Burgundy and Camo: Fall Combo

Which colors come to mind when you think of fall colors? Rich hues come to my mind as well as darker colors such as olive or brown. There are some color combinations that I really enjoy and when I planned my outfits for our trip to the beach, I chose olive, burgundy and tan as my main colors. I thought they would be perfect for the season and a little different from what I packed last year.

I shopped my closet for this look and I sure love it! These camo pants have been a favorite for fall for the past couple of years: the fit is on point and the cropped length is perfect for our mild weather. On our first full day at the beach, we decided to spend a little time in Watercolor since we had gotten enough sun that morning.

I hadn’t planned to take blog pictures, but it was such a pretty day that I kept telling the boys to take pictures. We had a really fun time as the boys wanted their pictures taken too, and we took some good and some not so good pictures.

One of the reasons I love to rent on 30A in Florida is the proximity to the picturesque towns like Watercolor and Seaside. We stay in Blue Mountain/Santa Rosa Beach which is more affordable and less populated.

I cleaned my white sneakers before the trip and added new “laces”, these are rubber laces that connect 2 holes together. I like the concept, but I find them hard to put in (I broke a couple nails), so I am not sure how much I recommend them. They look nice though and will stay looking clean.

This first full day at the beach was really nice, but what I have found these last 2 vacations is that my kids have become whiny and a little more aggravating towards each other. I need to take some time to think about what to do to promote less bickering and more even keeled responses.

Did you notice I chose my burgundy purse for this trip in keeping with my color scheme? I received this from ShopLC earlier this year. It is nice and practical with its pockets and works well as a crossbody purse.

A bientôt!

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