outdoors,  travel

Foggy Mornings

I’ve shared before how important it is for my mental well being to take the time to enjoy the little things that bring me peace and a feeling of joy. Life in the last week hasn’t been easy in our household: having elderly parents is not for the weak!

One of the top things that brings me joy is the beauty of God’s creation. Morning drives to the middle school can offer some beautiful views. Last week, we had a couple foggy mornings that gave the landscape a cool vibe.

Going over the bridge always offers a pretty view: seeing the steam/fog rise from the river is cool, isn’t it?

Our mornings are colder so we have had some frost. No snow here this December, so I am hoping for some next month or February.

It’s been a while since my last early morning run (apart from last week’s in my neighborhood with 18 of my Sunrise Crew!). I am looking forward to our next one because it is usually a perfect time to enjoy the sunrise.

A bientôt!

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