
Life as a mom of 4

  • mom

    My Favorite Ways to Exercise Right Now

    For the past month and a half I have been trying to exercise most days of the week in some manner or form. While it has been more of a struggle the past 10 days as I have been dealing with stress and lack of desire to eat, I am glad to say I am still on the exercise wagon train (and now my regular appetite is back). I usually give up about a couple of weeks so today I wanted to share some things that have worked for me since I have been at it for 40 + days. My Trampoline/Rebounder A couple years ago, I picked up a…

  • fashion,  mom

    Lifelong Friendship: My Friend Veronique

    You may have noticed my new water color header and logo! My talented friend Veronique approached me a week and a half ago as she has returned to one of the passions from her youth: drawing and asked me if I would like her to use one of my recent blog/Instagram pictures for a watercolor drawing. Of course, I responded in the affirmative and from there we created this header and logo picture! I am in awe of her talent and not only can she draw, she also sews. So I wanted to dedicate a blog post in honor of her and our friendship (by the way her birthday was…

  • budgeting,  mom

    Budget Recap February/March 2021

    I am taking a little blogging break to devote a little more time to other things the next couple of week (I will still have my style posts on Mondays) but wanted to share one of my biggest money lessons  I learned this past month. It is not a new lesson but hopefully this time, I will heed my own advice. Some of you may know, since I mentioned it a couple of times that I was doing a no spend month in March. That usually means I am trying to reset my budget because I overspent in an area. I also have mentioned before that I track my spending,…

  • friday favorites,  mom

    Walking Doesn’t Always Have to Feel like Exercise

    Last week, as I had two children at home, I took advantage of the pretty weather to take them for a nice walk near our neighborhood as well as on a picnic. I often walk there, it is a 2.5 mile loop and is bordered by fields and trees. I usually go there for exercise and keep a fast pace and tend to have a hard time slowing down when I walk there with family members. But on this occasion, I decided to slow down. take it at the boys pace and enjoy it. And slow down I did: it took us 1 and 1/2 hours to do this loop!…

  • budgeting,  mom,  recipes

    Seafood Medley Recipe

    It has been a while since I shared a recipe. Last week as I was preparing dinner, I realized that this would be a fun budget friendly one to share if you like seafood. I often make this on a weekday when we are not eating meat and I do not want to spend a lot of money. The ingredients can be exchanged for whatever you have on hand and it is a nice way to use up different vegetables in your fridge. And if you do not like seafood, you can switch it for sausage of any kind! Ingredients rice leftover veggies: I usually use onion, peppers, garlic mushrooms.…

  • friday favorites

    February Friday Favorites

    I really should write notes on my phone if no paper is available when I have an idea. Here I am in front of my computer writing my post for tomorrow and I have no idea which Friday Favorites I will share wih you today! I am very grateful that Georgia was not hit by the cold front and am keeping everyone in Texas in my prayers. I actually have friends whom I didn’t realize had just moved there but thankfully nothing major has happened to their house. We always wish for snow but our infracture in the south is not prepared for it nor do we know how to…

  • kids,  mom

    Playing with your Toddler: Finding the Balance

    The more you have children the more you learn, the more you change and do things differently. With my 4th child being now 3 years old, I am trying to find a balance with his independent play and time with me playing with him. I definitely have become more relaxed with the amount of tv he watches as it gives me some me time and the amount of time he spends on his tablet too. So everyday, I spend some time playing with him but also try to get him to play by himself. Today, I am sharing some games that we play together and some things he likes to…

  • mom,  organization

    My New Craft Cabinet: Organizing my Home

    My favorite floor is our house is our first floor: when we moved to our house 3 years ago, we decided to use our old couch in the media/game room upstairs and we sold our dining table. That meant we were buying some new furniture, furniture we chose as a couple versus using hand me down from our family or when we were single. We love our farmhouse table (which we found on Craigslist), our little buffet tables that we found at a local shop and our leather couch which gives a nice contrast to that furniture. My husband made a set of barndoors for his mom’s room so everything…

  • mom,  recipes

    Cooking as a Hobby

    Do you enjoy spending time in the kitchen? For me, it comes and goes. Sometimes, I wish I didn’t have to cook while other times, I get in a cooking mode and try new recipes several times in the same week. So one night you may see us eat hot dogs, box mac and cheese and steamed broccoli while another night may look like the pictures below: quiche, tomato soup and Boston Butt! I always have had a love/hate relationship with baking too so I choose recipes that are simple and quick. I enjoy cooking more when nobody is in the kitchen aka everyone is entertained somewhere else and when…

  • mom,  recipes

    Baking Bread

    Having grown up in France, I have always been very particular about my bread: when you grow up in a village in the south of France able to walk to the bakery to pick up a fresh baguette for your breakfast, American sandwich bread does not even compare even nice bread from the grocery store. So every so often, I will bake a bread at home, trying recipes from Pinterest. I do have a great baguette recipe from my friend in France but I have not idea where I put it! The following linked recipes are my favorites from Pinterest and both very easy. The best breads are cooked at…